Getting a DUI Removed from Your Record in Florida

After getting a DUI on your record, your first thought is going to be one thing: how do I go about getting a DUI removed from my record? For good reason, of course. These kinds of smudges on your record can keep you from all sorts of things in life.

The terrible truth is that you cannot expunge a DUI conviction from your record in the state of Florida. Worse still, these criminal offenses will remain on your record for 75 years. But that doesn’t mean you should lose all hope! There are still options for you if you meet the right requirements; ones that are pretty similar expungement.

In the state of Florida, we have something referred to as “sealing” or expunging a DUI. You can get your arrest sealed if your case was reduced to a lesser charge and adjudication was withheld and you otherwise qualify. If it was dismissed or you were found not guilty, you may be able to get the arrest expunged if you otherwise qualify. Even if you don’t think you fall into these categories, you should still give us, Tampa Crime Attorneys, a call.

What Is Expungement for your Record?

This refers to the legal practice of destroying an arrest from your criminal record. This will tell the court to act as if the entire conviction never happened, and you can see how beneficial this could be.

If all things worked perfectly, you’d have your criminal record removed, and no one in the public would be able to hold any long-time gone convictions against you.

Experienced DUI Representation in the Tampa Bay Area

With all the terrible consequences that a DUI conviction can bring, like expensive fines and even jail time, an attorney really is in your best interest; especially if you want to get a DUI “removed” from your record. There are plenty of options at your fingertips, and we’re here to help you achieve your legal goals. Make an appointment with Tampa Law Attorneys today.