If a person is serious about taking their case to trial, they need to be represented by an attorney with trial experience and a depth of knowledge of the evidence code. As a recent case demonstrates, it can be critical to the success or failure of any particular action.

Improper Bolstering

In Lazarro v. State, 43 Fla. L. Weekly D2265h (Fla. 5th DCA 2018), Lazarro was accused of taking a former landlords property and selling it to make up for the landlord’s failure to return a security deposit. Obviously, the case came down to the credibility of the witnesses. Was the jury going to believe the landlord’s testimony that Lazarro stole the property and sold it without permission or Lazarro’s testimony that the property was given to him by the landlord?

Lazarro had going against him the fact that he was a five-time convicted felon. Because he took the stand to testify on his behalf, this fact properly became known to the jury. The was no evidence that the landlord possessed any convictions that would be admissible to the jury. In its holding, the Court essentially stated that while it was proper to comment on Lazarro’s convictions as relevant to his ability to tell the truth (i.e., his credibility), it was improper for the prosecutor to bolster the landlord’s credibility by commenting on his lack of convictions. Because the credibility of the witnesses was central to the decision by the jury, the Court held that Lazarro deserved a new trial.

Why The Right Attorney Matters

Had Lazarro’s attorney failed to object, the conviction most likely would have stood. Errors in evidence admission or argument, generally speaking, only warrant a reversal in cases of fundamental error. Most evidence/argument errors are not fundamental. A person should not trust their freedom to an attorney that cannot recognize when an improper argument is being made or inadmissible evidence is about to be proffered. The Bantner Firm and board certified attorney Adam Bantner possess the necessary education, training and experience to make sure that your case is given the best chance of success!

Call us today at 813.397.3965 to schedule your free consultation!